Page 3 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
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~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
the instruction given to Daniel respecting
the seventy weeks, in the first year of Darius,
B. C. 538, as recorded in chapter 9. On the
overthrow of the kingdom of Babylon by the
Medes and Persians, B. C. 538, Darius, through
the courtesy of his nephew, Cyrus, was
permitted to occupy the throne. This he did till
the time of his death, about two years after.
About this time, Cambyses, king of Persia, the
father of Cyrus, having also died, Cyrus
became sole monarch of the second universal
empire of prophecy, B. C. 536. This being
reckoned as his first year, his third year, in
which this vision was given to Daniel, would
be dated B. C. 534. The death of Daniel is
supposed to have occurred soon after this, he
being at this time, according to Prideaux, not
less than ninety-one years of age.