Page 2 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
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                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                          Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
                             Chapter 10 — Daniel’s Last Vision

               VERSE  1.  In  the  third  year  of  Cyrus  king  of

               Persia  a  thing  was  revealed  unto  Daniel,

               whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the

               thing  was  true,  but  the  time  appointed  was

               long:  and  he  understood  the  thing,  and  had

               understanding of the vision.

               THIS  verse  introduces  us  to  the  last  of  the

               recorded  visions  of  the  prophet  Daniel,  the

               instruction imparted to him at this time being

               continued through chapters 11 and 12, to the

               close of the book. The third year of Cyrus was

               B. C. 534. Six years had consequently elapsed

               since Daniel’s vision of the four beasts in the

               first year of Belshazzar, B. C. 540; four years

               since the vision of the ram, he-goat, little horn,

               and 2300 days of chapter 8, in the third year

               of Belshazzar, B. C. 538; and four years since
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