Page 5 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 5


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                          Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
                   12.  There  was  then  still  something  which

               Daniel did not understand, but in reference to

               which he earnestly desired light. What was it?

               —  It  was  undoubtedly  some  part  of  his  last

               preceding  vision;  namely,  the  vision  of

               chapter  9,  and  through  that  of  the  vision  of

               chapter 8, of which chapter 9 was but a further

               explanation.  And  as  the  result  of  his

               supplication,  he  now  receives  more  minute

               information respecting the events included in

               the great outlines of his former visions.

               This mourning of the prophet is supposed to

               have been accompanied with fasting; not an

               absolute  abstinence  from  food,  but  a  use  of

               only the plainest and most simple articles of

               diet. He ate no pleasant bread, no delicacies

               nor dainties; he used no flesh nor wine; and he

               did not anoint his head, which was with the
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