Page 9 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 9


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                          Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
                   before  us.  At  that  time  Gabriel  was

               commanded  to  make  Daniel  understand  the

               vision, and he himself promised to make him

               know  what  should  be  in  the  last  end  of  the

               indignation.  Having  given  Daniel  all  the

               instruction  he  was  able  to  bear  on  that

               occasion, he subsequently resumed his work,

               and  explained  another  great  point  in  the

               vision, as recorded in chapter 9:20-27. Yet we

               learn from chapter 10 that there were some

               points still unexplained to the prophet; and he

               set  his  heart  again,  with  fasting  and

               supplication, to understand the matter.

               A personage now appears whose presence has

               the same effect upon Daniel as that produced

               by the presence of Gabriel at the first; and he

               tells  Daniel  (verse  14),  “Now  I  am  come  to

               make  thee  understand  what  shall  befall  thy
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