Page 10 - 10 Daniel's Last Vision
P. 10
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 10 – Daniel’s Last Vision
people in the latter days,” the very
information Gabriel had promised to give, as
recorded in chapter 8:19. But one conclusion
can be drawn from these facts Daniel was
seeking further light on the very vision which
Gabriel had been commanded to make him
understand. Once, already, he had made a
special visit to Daniel to give him additional
information when he sought it with prayer
and fasting. Now, when he is prepared for
further instruction, and again seeks it in the
same manner in reference to the same subject,
can it for a moment be supposed that Gabriel
disregarded his instruction, lost sight of his
mission, and suffered another angel to
undertake the completion of his unfinished
work? And the language of verse 14 clearly
identifies the speaker with the one, who, in the
vision of chapter 8, promised to do that work.