Page 103 - 02 The Great Image
P. 103


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   of  this  once  mighty  empire?  It  ruled  with

               unlimited power. It was the throned mistress

               of the world. Its scepter was broken; its throne

               pulled  down;  its  power  taken  away.  Ten

               kingdoms were formed out of it; and ‘broken’

               as  then  it  was,  it  still  continues;  i.e.,  ‘partly

               broken;’  for  its  dimensions  still  continue  as

               when the kingdom of iron stood upright upon

               its  feet.  And  then  it  is  ‘partly  strong;’  i.e.,  it

               retains, even in its broken state, enough of its

               iron strength to resist all attempts to mold its

               parts  together.  ‘This  shall  not  be,’  says  the

               word of God. ‘This has not been,’ replies the

               book of history.

               “‘But  then,’  men  may  say,  ‘another  plan

               remains. If force cannot avail, diplomacy and

               reasons of state may; we will try them.’ And so

               the prophecy foreshadows this when it says,
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