Page 101 - 02 The Great Image
P. 101


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   proportions, it crumbled to pieces, never to

               be united again. The iron was mixed with the

               clay. Its elements lost the power of cohesion,

               and no man or combination of men can again

               consolidate  them.  This  point  is  so  well  set

               forth  by  another  that  we  take  pleasure  in

               quoting his words: —

               “From this, its divided state, the first strength

               of the empire departed; but not as that of the

               others  had  done.  No  other  kingdom  was  to

               succeed  it,  as  it  had  the  three  which  went

               before  it.  It  was  to  continue  in  this  tenfold

               division, until the kingdom of stone smote it

               upon  its  feet,  broke  them  in  pieces,  and

               scattered them as the wind does the chaff of

               the summer threshing-floor! Yet, through all

               this  time,  a  portion  of  its  strength  was  to

               remain. And so the prophet says, ‘And as the
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