Page 97 - 02 The Great Image
P. 97


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   introduced; and we do not find this till we

               come to the feet and toes. But we are not to

               understand that the clay denotes one division

               and  the  iron  the  other;  for  after  the  long-

               existing unity of the kingdom was broken, no

               one  of  the  fragments  was  as  strong  as  the

               original  iron,  but  all  were  in  a  state  of

               weakness denoted by the mixture of iron and

               clay.  The  conclusion  is  inevitable,  therefore,

               that the prophet has here stated the cause for

               the effect. The introduction of the weakness of

               the  clay  element,  as  we  come  to  the  feet,

               resulted  in  the  division  of  the  kingdom  into

               ten parts, as represented by the ten toes; and

               this result, or division, is more than intimated

               in  the  sudden  mention  of  a  plurality  of

               contemporaneous kings. Therefore, while we

               find no evidence that the legs denote division,

               but serious objections against such a view, we
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