Page 92 - 02 The Great Image
P. 92
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
contemporaneously. It cannot refer to the
four preceding kingdoms; for it would be
absurd to use such language in reference to a
line of successive kings, since it would be in
the days of the last king only, not in the clays
of any of the preceding, that the kingdom of
God would be set up.
Here, then, is a division presented; and what
have we in the symbol to indicate it? —
Nothing but the toes of the image. Unless they
do it, we are left utterly in the dark as to the
nature and extent of the division which the
prophecy shows did exist. To suppose this,
would be to cast a serious imputation upon
the prophecy itself. We are therefore held to
the conclusion that the ten toes of the image
denote the ten parts into which the Roman
empire was divided. *