Page 88 - 02 The Great Image
P. 88


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   noise and garments rolled in blood,” told of

               the force and violence with which one nation

               had been brought into subjection to another.

               Yet all this is not called “smiting” or “breaking

               in pieces.”

               When Persia conquered Babylon, and Greece

               Persia,  neither  of  the  conquered  empires  is

               said  to  have  been  broken  in  pieces,  though

               crushed beneath the overwhelming power of

               a  hostile  nation.  But  when  we  reach  the

               introduction of the fifth kingdom, the image is

               smitten with violence; it is dashed to pieces,

               and so scattered and obliterated that no place

               is  found  for  it.  And  now  what  shall  we

               understand by this? — We must understand

               that  here  a  scene  transpires  in  which  is

               manifested so much more violence and force

               and power than accompany the overthrow of
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