Page 91 - 02 The Great Image
P. 91
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
much independent kingdoms as are the
beasts themselves; for the beasts are spoken
of in precisely the same manner; namely, as
“four kings which should arise.” Verse 17.
They do not denote a line of successive kings,
but kings or kingdoms which exist
contemporaneously; for three of them were
plucked up by the little horn. The ten horns,
beyond controversy, represent the ten
kingdoms into which Rome was divided.
2. We have seen that in Daniel’s interpretation
of the image he uses the words king and
kingdom interchangeably, the former
denoting the same as the latter. In verse 44 he
says that “in the days of these kings, the God of
heaven shall set up a kingdom.” This shows
that at the time the kingdom of God is set up,
there will be a plurality of kings existing