Page 95 - 02 The Great Image
P. 95


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   chapter, existed from the first. The division

               of the Grecian kingdom, denoted by the four

               horns  of  the  goat  and  the  four  heads  of  the

               leopard, dates back to within eight years of the

               time when it was introduced into prophecy. So

               Rome should have been divided from the first,

               if  the  legs  denote  division,  instead  of

               remaining a unit for nearly six hundred years,

               and  separating  into  its  eastern  and  western

               divisions  only  a  few  years  prior  to  its  final

               disruption into ten kingdoms.

               2.  No  such  division  into  two  great  parts  is

               denoted  by  the  other  symbols  under  which

               Rome  is  represented  in  the  book  of  Daniel;

               namely, the great and terrible beast of Daniel

               7, and the little horn of chapter 8. Hence it is

               reasonable to conclude that the two legs of the
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