Page 96 - 02 The Great Image
P. 96
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
image were not designed to represent such
a division.
But it may be asked, Why not suppose the two
legs to denote division as well as the toes?
Would it not be just as inconsistent to say that
the toes denote division, and the legs do not,
as to say that the legs denote division, and the
toes do not? We answer that the prophecy
itself must govern our conclusions in this
matter; and whereas it says nothing of
division in connection with the legs, it does
introduce the subject of division as we come
down to the feet and toes. It says, “And
whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of
potters’ clay and part of iron, the kingdom
shall be divided.” No division could take place,
or at least none is said to have taken place, till
the weakening element of the clay was