Page 98 - 02 The Great Image
P. 98
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
do find, we think, good reason for supposing
that the toes denote division, as here claimed.
3. Each of the four monarchies had its own
particular territory, which was the kingdom
proper, and where we are to look for the chief
events in its history shadowed forth by the
symbol. We are not, therefore, to look for the
divisions of the Roman empire in the territory
formerly occupied by Babylon, or Persia, or
Grecia, but in the territory proper of the
Roman kingdom, which was what was finally
known as the Western empire. Rome
conquered the world; but the kingdom of
Rome proper lay west of Grecia. That is what
was represented by the legs of iron. There,
then, we look for the ten kingdoms; and there
we find them. We are not obliged to mutilate