Page 84 - 02 The Great Image
P. 84


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   possess  a  nationality  of  its  own,  distinct

               from the other three. And this we find in the

               Roman kingdom, and in it alone. But,

               3.  The  grand  fallacy  which  underlies  this

               whole system of misinterpretation, is the too

               commonly taught theory that the kingdom of

               God was set up at the first advent of Christ. It

               can easily be seen how fatal to this theory is

               the admission that the fourth empire is Rome.

               For it was to be after the division of that fourth

               empire, that the God of heaven was to set up

               his  kingdom.  But  the  division  of  the  Roman

               empire into ten parts was not accomplished

               previous  to  A.  D.  476;  consequently  the

               kingdom of God could not have been set up at

               the first advent of Christ, nearly five hundred

               years  before  that  date.  Rome  must  not,

               therefore,  from  their  standpoint,  though  it
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