Page 85 - 02 The Great Image
P. 85
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
answers admirably to the prophecy in every
particular, be allowed to be the kingdom in
question. The position that the kingdom of
God was set up in the days when Christ was
upon earth, must, these interpreters seem to
think, be maintained at all hazards.
Such is the ground on which some expositors
appear, at least, to reason. And it is for the
purpose of maintaining this theory that our
author dwindles down the third great empire
of the world to the insignificant period of
about eight years! For this, he endeavors to
prove that the fourth universal empire was
bearing full sway during a period when the
providence of God was simply filling up the
outlines of the third! For this, he presumes to
fix the points of time between which we must
look for the fourth, though the prophecy does