Page 80 - 02 The Great Image
P. 80


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   the  fourth  kingdom  was  Alexander’s

               successors; (3) That the latest point to which

               the  fourth  kingdom  could  extend,  is  the

               manifestation of the Messiah; for (4) There the

               God of heaven set up his kingdom; there the

               stone  smote  the  image  upon  its  feet,  and

               commenced the process of grinding it up.

               Nor can we reply at any great length to these


               1.  We  might  as  well  confine  the  Babylonian

               empire to the single reign of Nebuchadnezzar,

               or that of Persia to the reign of Cyrus, as to

               confine the third kingdom, Grecia, to the reign

               of Alexander.

               2.  Alexander’s  successors  did  not  constitute

               another  kingdom,  but  a  continuation  of  the

               same, the Grecian division of the image; for in

               this  line  of  prophecy  the  succession  of
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