Page 79 - 02 The Great Image
P. 79


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   was  divided  seems  like  such  an  easy,

               consistent,  and  matter-of-course  procedure,

               that it requires a labored effort to interpret it

               otherwise. Yet such an effort is made by some

               —  by  Romanists  universally,  and  by  such

               Protestants as still cling to Romish errors.

               A  volume  by  H.  Cowles,  D.  D.,  may  perhaps

               best be taken as a representative exposition

               on this side of the question. The writer gives

               every  evidence  of  extensive  erudition  and

               great  ability.  It  is  the  more  to  be  regretted,

               therefore,  that  these  powers  are  devoted  to

               the  propagation  of  error,  and  to  misleading

               the anxious inquirer who wishes to know his

               whereabouts on the great highway of time.

               We can but briefly notice his positions. They

               are,  (1)  That  the  third  kingdom  was  Grecia

               during the lifetime of Alexander only; (2) That
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