Page 130 - 02 The Great Image
P. 130


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   a certain heathen king, that he endeavored

               to obtain them in spite of the Lord’s expressed

               will to the contrary, and thus signally failed.

               Daniel  did  not  act  with  a  view  to  obtaining

               these  presents;  yet  by  maintaining  his

               integrity  with  the  Lord  they  were  given

               abundantly into his hands. His advancement,

               both with respect to wealth and power, was a

               matter  of  no  small  moment  with  him  as  it

               enabled  him  to  be  of  service  to  his  fellow-

               countrymen less favored than himself in their

               long captivity.

               Daniel  did  not  become  bewildered  nor

               intoxicated  by  his  signal  victory  and  his

               wonderful advancement. He first remembers

               the three who were companions with him in

               anxiety  respecting  the  king’s  matter;  and  as

               they  had  helped  him  with  their  prayers,  he
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