Page 125 - 02 The Great Image
P. 125


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   and  to  share  its  glories  forever;  for  this

               kingdom  is  not  to  “be  left  to  other  people.”

               Again we ask you, Are you ready? The terms of

               heirship  are  most  liberal:  “If  ye  be  Christ’s,

               then  are  ye  Abraham’s  seed,  and  heirs

               according to the promise.” Are you on terms of

               friendship  with  Christ,  the  coming  King?  Do

               you love his character? Are you trying to walk

               humbly  in  his  footsteps,  and  obey  his

               teachings? If not, read your fate in the cases of

               those in the parable, of whom it was said, “But

               those mine enemies, which would not that I

               should reign over them, bring hither, and slay

               them  before  me.”  There  is  to  be  no  rival

               kingdom where you can find an asylum if you

               remain an enemy to this; for this is to occupy

               all the territory ever possessed by any and all

               of the kingdoms of this world, past or present.

               It  is  to  fill  the  whole  earth.  Happy  they  to
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