Page 122 - 02 The Great Image
P. 122


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   “So  it  is,  and  has  been,  respecting  the  ten

               kingdoms  of  Europe  once  under  the  Roman

               scepter.  They  have  been  there  for  twelve

               hundred and sixty years. If several have had

               their names changed, according to the caprice

               of him who conquered, this change of name

               did not destroy existence. If others have had

               their territorial limits changed, the nation was

               still  there.  If  others  have  fallen  while

               successors were forming in their room, the ten

               horns were still there. If, during a few years

               out of a thousand, there were more than ten, if

               some  temporary  power  reared  its  head,

               seeming  to  claim  a  place  with  the  rest,  and

               soon disappeared, it has not caused the beast

               to have less than ten horns.”

               Scott remarks: —
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