Page 118 - 02 The Great Image
P. 118
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
kingdom was set up at the first advent, in
what sense were the brass, silver, and gold in
existence then any more than at the present
day? Does it refer to the time of the second
resurrection, when all these wicked nations
will be raised to life? — No; for the destruction
of earthly governments in this present state,
which is here symbolized by the smiting of the
image, certainly takes place at the end of this
dispensation; and in the second resurrection
national distinctions will be no more known.
No objection really exists in the point under
consideration; for all the kingdoms
symbolized by the image, are, in a certain
sense, still in existence. Chaldea and Assyria
are still the first divisions of the image; Media
and Persia, the second; Macedonia, Greece,
Thrace, Asia Minor, and Egypt, the third.