Page 120 - 02 The Great Image
P. 120


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   Dr. Nelson’s “Cause and Cure of Infidelity,”

               pp.  374,  375,  will  set  this  matter  in  a  clear

               light: —

               “Suppose  some  feeble  people  should  be

               suffering from the almost constant invasions

               of numerous and ferocious enemies. Suppose

               some powerful and benevolent prince sends

               them word that he will, for a number of years,

               say thirty, maintain, for their safety along the

               frontier,  ten  garrisons,  each  to  contain  one

               hundred well-armed men. Suppose the forts

               are built and remain a few years, when two of

               them  are  burned  to  the  ground  and  rebuilt

               without delay; has there been any violation of

               the  sovereign’s  word?  —  No;  there  was  no

               material  interruption  in  the  continuance  of

               the  walls  of  strength;  and,  furthermore,  the

               most important part of the safeguard was still
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