Page 124 - 02 The Great Image
P. 124


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   Psalms 2:8, 9.) In the days of these kings the

               God of heaven is to set up a kingdom. We have

               been  in  the  days  of  these  kings  for  over

               fourteen  centuries,  and  we  are  still  in  their

               days. So far as this prophecy is concerned, the

               very  next  event  is  the  setting  up  of  God’s

               everlasting  kingdom.  Other  prophecies  and

               innumerable  signs  show  unmistakably  its

               immediate proximity.

               The coming kingdom! This ought to be the all-

               absorbing topic with the present generation.

               Reader, are you ready for the issue? He who

               enters this kingdom enters it not merely for

               such  a  lifetime  as  men  live  in  this  present

               state,  not  to  see  it  degenerate,  not  to  see  it

               overthrown  by  a  succeeding  and  more

               powerful  kingdom;  but  he  enters  it  to

               participate in all its privileges and blessings,
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