Page 128 - 02 The Great Image
P. 128


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   would  endure  through  all  time,  was  to  be

               overthrown  by  another  people.  Yet  Daniel

               plainly and boldly made known this fact to the

               king; and the king, so far from being offended,

               fell upon his face before the prophet of God,

               and  offered  him  worship.  Daniel  doubtless

               immediately  countermanded  the  orders

               which  the  king  issued  to  pay  him  divine

               honors. That Daniel had some communication

               with the king which is not here recorded, is

               evident  from  verse  47:  “The  king  answered

               unto Daniel,” etc. And it may be still further

               inferred that Daniel labored to turn the king’s

               feelings of reverence from himself to the God

               of heaven, inasmuch as the king replies, “Of a

               truth it is that your God is a God of gods and a

               Lord of kings.”
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