Page 116 - 02 The Great Image
P. 116


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   the  church  was  fully  established,  that

               mortality cannot inherit it, and that it is to be

               set up only in connection with the coming of

               our Lord to judgment, the reference cannot be

               to any state or organization here upon earth.

               The object we have before us is to ascertain

               what constitutes the kingdom of Daniel 2:44;

               and we  have seen  that  the  prophecy utterly

               forbids  our  applying  it  there  to  the  church,

               inasmuch  as  by  the  terms  of  the  prophecy

               itself we are prohibited from looking for that

               kingdom till over four hundred years after the

               crucifixion of Christ and the establishment of

               the  gospel  church.  Therefore  if  in  some

               expressions in the New Testament the word

               “kingdom” can be found applying to the work

               of God’s grace, or the spread of the gospel, it

               cannot  in  such  instances  be  the  kingdom

               brought to view in Daniel. That can only be the
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