Page 115 - 02 The Great Image
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                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   Acts 1:6. (3) Flesh and blood cannot inherit

               it.  1  Corinthians  15:50.  (4)  It  is  a  matter  of

               promise to the apostles, and to all those that

               love God. James 2:5. (5) It is promised in the

               future  to  the  little  flock.  Luke  12:32.  (6)

               Through  much  tribulation  the  saints  are  to

               enter therein. Acts 14:22. (7) It is to be set up

               when  Christ  shall  judge  the  living  and  the

               dead. 2 Timothy 4:1. (8) This is to be when he

               shall come in his glory with all his holy angels.

               Matthew 25:31-34.

               As  militating  against  the  foregoing  view,  it

               may be asked if the expression, “Kingdom of

               heaven,” is not, in the New Testament, applied

               to the church. In some instances it may be; but

               in  others  as  evidently  it  cannot  be.  In  the

               decisive texts referred to above, which show

               that it was still a matter of promise even after
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