Page 37 - 02 The Great Image
P. 37


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   Calneh, in the land of Shinar.” It appears that

               Nimrod  also  founded  the  city  of  Nineveh,

               which afterward became the capital of Syria.

               (See marginal reading of Genesis 10:11, and

               Johnson’s  Cyclopedia,  art.  Syria.)  The

               following  sketch  of  the  history  of  Babylon,

               from  Johnson’s  Universal  Cyclopedia,  art.

               Babylon, is according to the latest authorities

               on this subject: —

               “About 1270 B. C., the Assyrian kings became

               masters  of  Chaldea,  or  Babylonia,  of  which

               Babylon  was  the  capital.  This  country  was

               afterward  ruled  by  an  Assyrian  dynasty  of

               kings, who reigned at Babylon, and sometimes

               waged  war  against  those  who  reigned  in

               Assyria  proper.  At  other  times  the  kings  of

               Babylon  were  tributary  to  those  of  Assyria.

               Several centuries elapsed in which the history
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