Page 40 - 02 The Great Image
P. 40


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   successors                   of          Nebuchadnezzar,                           the

               authority above quoted adds: —

               “He died in 561 B. C., and was succeeded by his

               son  Evil-merodach  who  reigned  only  two

               years.  Nabonadius  (or  Labynetus),  who

               became king in 555 B. C., formed an alliance

               with  Croesus  against  Cyrus  the  Great.  He

               appears to have shared the royal power with

               his  son,  Belshazzar,  whose  mother  was  a

               daughter of Nebuchadnezzar. Cyrus besieged

               Babylon, which he took by stratagem in 538 B.

               C., and with the death of Belshazzar, whom the

               Persians  killed,  the  kingdom  of  Babylon

               ceased to exist.”

               When  we  say  that  the  image  of  Daniel  2

               symbolizes the four great prophetic universal

               monarchies, and reckon Babylon as the first of

               these, it is asked how this can be true, when
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