Page 47 - 02 The Great Image
P. 47
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
earthly powers. And so they will be, till all
earthly powers shall finally yield to Him
whose right it is to reign. And lo! the day of
deliverance draws on apace.
Into another city, not only Daniel, but all the
children of God, from least to greatest, from
lowest to highest, from first to last, are soon to
enter; a city not merely sixty miles in
circumference, but fifteen hundred miles; a
city whose walls are not brick and bitumen,
but precious stones and jasper; whose streets
are not the stone-paved streets of Babylon,
smooth and beautiful as they were, but
transparent gold; whose river is not the
mournful waters of the Euphrates, but the
river of life; whose music is not the sighs and
laments of broken-hearted captives, but the
thrilling paeans of victory over death and the