Page 48 - 02 The Great Image
P. 48
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 2-The Great Image
grave, which ransomed multitudes shall
raise; whose light is not the intermittent light
of earth, but the unceasing and ineffable glory
of God and the Lamb. Into this city they shall
enter, not as captives entering a foreign land,
but as exiles returning to their father’s house;
not as to a place where such chilling words as
“bondage,” “servitude,” and “oppression,”
shall weigh down their spirits, but to one
where the sweet words, “home,” “freedom,”
“peace,” “purity,” “unutterable bliss,” and
“unending life,” shall thrill their bosoms with
delight forever and ever. Yea; our mouths
shall be filled with laughter, and our tongue
with singing, when the Lord shall turn again
the captivity of Zion. Psalms 126:1, 2;
Revelation 21:1-27.