Page 51 - 02 The Great Image
P. 51


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                              Chapter 2-The Great Image
                   subjection.  And  according  to  all  human

               calculation,  they  had  good  ground  for  their

               feelings  of  security.  Never,  weighed  in  the

               balance  of  any  earthly  probability,  with  the

               means of warfare then known, could that city

               be taken. Hence, they breathed as freely and

               slept as soundly as though no foe were waiting

               and  watching  for  their  destruction  around

               their beleaguered walls. But God had decreed

               that the proud and wicked city should come

               down from her throne of glory; and when he

               speaks, what mortal arm can defeat his word?

               In their very feeling of security lay the source

               of their danger. Cyrus resolved to accomplish

               by  stratagem  what  he  could  not  effect  by

               force;  and  learning  of  the  approach  of  an

               annual festival, in which the whole city would

               be given up to mirth and revelry, he fixed upon
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