Page 44 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 44
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
17. A telegraphic instrument. First put in
operation in 1844. There are now untold
thousands of miles of telegraphic wire in use.
18. The magnificent ocean iron ships of the
present day. For passenger and war service
nothing was ever produced to compare with
the great steamers of the present decade.
19. Railway transportation. The empire
express on N. Y. Central; fastest train in the
world, averaging nearly sixty miles an hour.
Jan. 1, 1890, according to Scientific American
of Aug. 30, 1890, there were in the United
States alone 161,397 miles of track. There
were invested in American railways
$9,680,942,240. In 1889 five hundred million
passengers, were carried, and the gross
earnings were over one billion dollars.