Page 48 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 48
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
the electric fluid, and a painter of the sun; it
bathes itself in the subterranean waters, while
it is warmed with the central fires; it opens
upon the two infinities those two windows, —
the telescope on the infinitely great, the
microscope on the infinitely little; and it finds
in the first abyss the stars of heaven, and in the
second abyss the insects, which prove the
existence of a God. It annihilates time, it
annihilates distance, it annihilates suffering; it
writes a letter from Paris to London, and has
the answer back in ten minutes; it cuts off the
leg of a man — the man sings and smiles.” —
Le Petit Napoleon.
But if we take the other standpoint, and refer
the increase of knowledge to an increase of
Biblical knowledge, we have only to look at the
wonderful light which, within the past sixty