Page 52 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 52
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
indefinite period of the cleansing of the
sanctuary. So in the text before us, there is
given the period of a time, times, and a half, or
1260 years, and then an indefinite period for
the continuance of the scattering of the power
of the holy people, before the consummation.
The 1260 years mark the period of papal
supremacy. Why is this period here
introduced? — Probably because this power is
the one which does more than any other in the
world’s history toward scattering the power
of the holy people, or oppressing the church of
God. But what shall we understand by the
expression, “Shall have accomplished to
scatter the power of the holy people”? A literal
translation of the Septuagint seems to present
it in a clearer light: “When he shall have
finished the scattering of the power of the holy