Page 57 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 57


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   writings all the benefit that he intended. So

               the language here used to Daniel was the same

               as telling him that when the right time should

               come,  the  wise  would  understand  the

               meaning  of  what  he  had  written,  and  be

               profited thereby. The time of the end was the

               time in which the Spirit of God was to break

               the          seal          from            off         this          book;            and

               consequentlythis was the time during which

               the wise should understand, while the wicked,

               lost to all sense of the value of eternal truth,

               with hearts callous and hardened in sin, would

               grow  continually  more  wicked  and  more

               blind.  None  of  the  wicked  understand.  The

               efforts which the wise put forth to understand,

               they  call  folly  and  presumption,  and  ask,  in

               sneering phrase, “Where is the promise of his

               coming?” And should the question be raised,

               Of what time and what generation speaketh
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