Page 61 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 61


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   continual  abomination,  that  is,  paganism.

               (See  on  chapter  8:13.)  This  had  to  be  taken

               away to prepare the way for the papacy. For

               the  historical  events  showing  how  this  was

               accomplished  in  508,  see  on  chapter  11:31.

               We are not told directly to what event these

               1290  days  reach;  but  inasmuch  as  their

               commencement  is  marked  by  a  work  which

               takes place to prepare the way for the setting

               up of the papacy, it would be most natural to

               conclude that their end would be marked by

               the  cessation  of  papal  supremacy.  Counting

               back, then, 1290 years from 1798, we have the

               year  508,  where  it  has  been  shown  that

               paganism was taken away, thirty years before

               the  setting  up  of  the  papacy.  This  period  is

               doubtless given to show the date of the taking

               away of the daily, and it is the only one which

               does  this.  The  two  periods,  therefore,  the
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