Page 63 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 63


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   says the prophet, 1290 days. And the very

               next  sentence  reads,  “Blessed  is  he  that

               waiteth and cometh to the 1335 days.” From

               what  point?  —  From  the  same  point,

               undoubtedly,  as  that  from  which  the  1290

               date;  namely,  508.  Unless  they  are  to  be

               reckoned from this point, it is impossible to

               locate them, and they must be excepted from

               the prophecy of Daniel when we apply to it the

               words  of  Christ,  “Whoso  readeth,  let  him

               understand.” Matthew 24:15. From this point

               they would extend to 1843; for 1335 added to

               508 make 1843. Commencing in the spring of

               the former year, they ended in the spring of

               the latter.

               But how can it be that they have ended, it may

               be asked, since at the end of these days Daniel

               stands in his lot, which is by some supposed to
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