Page 66 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 66


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   was a blessing in the days of Christ to those

               who received it, why was it not equally so in A.

               D. 1843?

               It may be objected that those who engaged in

               this  movement  were  disappointed  in  their

               expectations; so were the disciples of Christ at

               his  first  advent,  in  an  equal  degree.  They

               shouted before him as he rode into Jerusalem,

               expecting  that  he  would  then  take  the

               kingdom; but the only throne to which he then

               went  was  the  cross;  and  instead  of  being

               hailed as king in a royal palace, he was laid a

               lifeless  form  in  Joseph’s  new  sepulcher.

               Nevertheless, they were “blessed” in receiving

               the truths they had heard.

               It may be objected further that this was not a

               sufficient  blessing  to  be  marked  by  a

               prophetic period. Why not, since  the period in
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