Page 69 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 69


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   reading of the Septuagint seems to look very

               plainly in this direction: “But go thy way and

               rest; for there are yet days and seasons to the

               full  accomplishment  [of  these  things];  and

               thou shalt stand in thy lot at the end of the

               days.” This certainly carries the mind back to

               the long period contained in the first vision, in

               relation to which the subsequent instructions

               were given.

               The  2300  days,  as  has  been  already  shown,

               terminated  in  1844,  and  brought  us  to  the

               cleansing of the sanctuary. How did Daniel at

               that  time  stand  in  his  lot?  Answer:  In  the

               person of his Advocate, our great High Priest,

               as he presents the cases of the righteous for

               acceptance  to  his  Father.  The  word  here

               translated lot does not mean a  piece  of  real

               estate,  a  “lot”  of  land,  but  the  “decisions  of
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