Page 70 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 70


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   chance,”               or         the          “determinations                        of

               Providence.” At the end of the days, the lot, so

               to  speak,  was  to  be  cast.  In  other  words,  a

               determination was to be made in reference to

               those who should be accounted worthy of a

               possession  in  the  heavenly  inheritance.  And

               when Daniel’s case comes up for examination,

               he  is  found  righteous,  stands  in  his  lot,  is

               assigned a place in the heavenly Canaan. Does

               not the psalmist refer to this time and event,

               when he says (Ps. 1:5), “The ungodly shall not

               stand in the Judgment”?

               When  Israel  was  about  to  enter  into  the

               promised  land,  the  lot  was  cast,  and  the

               possession  of  each  tribe  was  assigned.  The

               tribes thus stood in their respective “lots” long

               before  they  entered  upon  the  actual

               possession  of  the  land.  The  time  of  the
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