Page 65 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 65
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
subjects up to that time. The proclamation
went forth in power. The new and stirring
doctrine of the setting up of the kingdom of
God, shook the world. New life was imparted
to the true disciples of Christ. The unbelieving
were condemned, the churches were tested,
and a spirit of revival was awakened of which
modern times, at least, have furnished no
Was this the blessing? Listen to the Saviour’s
words: “Blessed are your eyes,” said he to his
disciples, “for they see; and your ears, for they
hear.” Matthew 13:16. And again he told his
followers that prophets and kings had desired
to see the things which they saw, and had not
seen them. But “blessed,” said he to them, “are
the eyes which see the things that ye see.”
Luke 10:23, 24. If a new and glorious truth