Page 64 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 64
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
refer to his resurrection from the dead? This
question is founded on a misapprehension in
two respects: First, that the days at the end of
which Daniel stands in his lot are the 1335
days; and, secondly, that the standing of
Daniel in his lot is his resurrection, which also
cannot be sustained. The only thing promised
at the end of the 1335 days is a blessing unto
those who wait and come to that time; that is,
those who are then living. What is this
blessing? Looking at the year 1843, when
these years expired, what do we behold? —
We see a remarkable fulfillment of prophecy
in the great proclamation of the second
coming of Christ. Forty-five years before this,
the time of the end commenced, the book was
unsealed, and light began to increase. About
the year 1843, there was a grand culmination
of all the light that had been shed on prophetic