Page 62 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 62


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                             Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
                   1290 and the 1260 days, terminate together

               in  1798,  the  one  beginning  in  538,  and  the

               other in 508, thirty years previous.

               VERSE  12.  Blessed  is  he  that  waiteth,  and

               cometh  to  the  thousand  three  hundred  and

               five and thirty days. 13. But go thou thy way

               till the end he; for thou shalt rest, and stand in

               thy lot at the end of the days.

               Still  another  prophetic  period  is  here

               introduced,  denoting  1335  years.  The

               testimony  concerning  this  period,  like  that

               which  pertains  to  the  1290  years,  is  very

               meager. Can we tell when this period begins

               and  ends?  The  only  clue  we  have  to  the

               solution of this question, is the fact that it is

               spoken of in immediate connection with the

               1290  years,  which  commenced,  as  shown

               above, in 508. From that point there shall be,
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