Page 67 - 12 Closing Scenes
P. 67
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 12– Closing Scenes
which it was to occur; namely, the time of
the end, is introduced by a prophetic period;
since our Lord, in verse 14 of his great
prophecy of Matthew 24, makes a special
announcement of this movement; and since it
is still further set forth in Revelation 14:6, 7,
under the symbol of an angel flying through
mid-heaven with a special announcement of
the everlasting gospel to the inhabitants of the
earth? Surely the Bible gives great
prominence to this movement.
Two more questions remain to be briefly
noticed: (1) What days are referred to in verse
13? (2) What is meant by Daniel’s standing in
his lot? Those who claim that the days are the
1335, are led to that application by looking
back no further than to the preceding verse,
where the 1335 days are mentioned; whereas,