Page 16 - 06 Daniel in the Lion's Den
P. 16
~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~
Chapter 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den
condemnation he felt for his own course in
the matter. At earliest dawn he repaired to the
den where his prime minister had passed the
night in company with hungry and ravenous
beasts. Daniel’s response to his first salutation
was no word of reproach for the king’s course
in yielding to his persecutors, but a term of
respect and honor, “O king, live forever.” He
afterward, however, reminds the king, in a
manner which he must have keenly felt, but to
which he could take no exception, that before
him he had done no hurt. And on account of
his innocency, God, whom he served
continually, not at intervals, nor by fits and
starts, had sent his angel, and shut the lions’
Here, then, stood Daniel, preserved by a
power higher than any power of earth. His