Page 19 - 06 Daniel in the Lion's Den
P. 19


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                        Chapter 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den
                   him.  What  Daniel’s  enemies  designed  to

               prove  his  ruin,  resulted  only  in  his

               advancement. In this case, and in the case of

               the  three  Hebrews  in  the  fiery  furnace,  the

               seal of God is set in favor of two great lines of

               duty: (1) As in the case of the three in the fiery

               furnace, not to yield to any known sin; and (2)

               As in the present case, not to omit any known

               duty. And from these instances, the people of

               God in all ages are to derive encouragement.

               The decree of the king sets forth the character

               of  the  true  God  in  fine  terms.  (1)  He  is  the

               living  God;  all  others  are  dead.  (2)  He  is

               steadfast forever; all others change. (3) He has

               a kingdom; for he made and governs all. (4)

               His kingdom shall not be destroyed; all others

               come to an end. (5) His dominion is without

               end; no human power can prevail against it.
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