Page 20 - 06 Daniel in the Lion's Den
P. 20


                            ~The Response of History to the Voice of Prophecy~

                                        Chapter 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den
                   (6) He delivereth those who are in bondage.

               (7)  He  rescueth  his  servants  from  their

               enemies when they call upon him for help. (8)

               He worketh wonders in the heavens and signs

               upon  the  earth.  (9)  And  to  complete  all,  he

               hath delivered Daniel, giving before our own

               eyes  the  fullest  proof  of  his  power  and

               goodness  in  rescuing  his  servant  from  the

               power of the lions. How excellent an eulogium

               is  this  on  the  great  God  and  his  faithful


               Thus closes the historical part of the book of

               Daniel. We now come to the prophetic portion,

               which, like a shining beacon light, has thrown

               its rays over all the course of time from that

               point to the present, and is still lighting up the

               pathway of the church onward to the eternal

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