Page 2 - 04c The Seven Churhces-Laodicea
P. 2


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

                         CHAPTER IV. THE MESSAGE TO THE

                                        CHURCHES - Laodicea

               The last church to which John was bidden to

               send a message was Laodicea. The messages

               to Sardis and to Philadelphia, separately cover

               a  period  extending  to  the  second  coming  of

               Christ;  but  in  addition  to  the  experiences

               portrayed in the fifth and sixth messages, that

               which  is  directed  to  Laodicea  is  also

               applicable. It  is  given by  the  Amen,  the  One

               with whom yea is yea, and nay is nay,-the One

               who changeth not. He is also “the faithful and

               true  Witness”;  for  the  Laodicean  message  is

               given  to  the  people  at  the  time  when  the

               investigative  judgment  is  in  progress;  and

               while the message is going forth, the names of

               the very ones who receive it, will be called in
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