Page 5 - 04c The Seven Churhces-Laodicea
P. 5


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               like  the  churches  of  the  past,  it  has

               disappointed heaven, and Christ sorrowfully

               says of them,’ I know thy works, that thou art

               neither  cold  nor  hot.  “Spiritual  pride  is  the

               worst  of  evils,  and  the  hardest  to  reach.

               Heaven and earth are waiting for the closing

               up of history. The climax has been reached in

               the  controversy.  Satan  is  preparing  for  the

               final  struggle.  The  armory  of  heaven  awaits

               the signal of its Leader. The church of God on

               earth, is the only object which can retard the

               progress of events. It becomes the center of

               interest for the universe. The Saviour still bids

               the  hosts  hold  till  the  servants  of  God  are

               sealed. Angels are hurrying to and fro between

               heaven  and  earth,  but  God  will  go  no  faster

               than His church. For centuries He has walked
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